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Транзакцията с моята кредитна карта се провали или беше отхвърлена. Защо се случи това и какво мога да направя?

  1. First, make sure you’ve entered the correct card number and that the expiry date and CVV code match the details on the back of your credit card.
  2. You should also know that the minimum amount for payment by credit card is 2 EUR.
  3. We use third party service providers called credit card payment processors. These processors sometimes decline a credit card based on their risk assessment. It is also possible that your country or your bank has been blacklisted by the processor due to previous fraud attempts.
  4. We try to select credit card processors that have a high approval rate. But we cannot guarantee that all cards will be accepted.
  5. There are multiple credit card payment options available on our website, so if the first option doesn’t work for you, try one of the others.
  6. If none of the credit card options work for you, try an alternative method like crypto payment.
  7. Here are some of the most common reasons why a card payment may have been declined:
  8. You used a card other than Visa or Mastercard
  9. You have entered the system from a country other than the one in which the card was issued. You can overcome this problem by using a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN can „spoof“ an IP address from another country. The Opera browser has a built-in free VPN service.
  10. The country where your card was issued has been blacklisted by the payment processor.
  11. If none of the above helps, there is always the option to pay with Bitcoin, which works for almost all of our customers. Customers from some countries, such as Iran, may still need to use a VPN to use the cryptographic method.
  12. Consider creating a Bitcoin wallet, it can be useful for many other purposes as well.
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